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Tiandra Bland, De-Rance (me) & Craig Towns |
While looking at this picture, I was wondering if people understood why we worship. Do you know why it's imperative to worship God? Of course we praise Him for the things he has done. However, we should worship Him for WHO HE IS. God is God. God is omnipresent, meaning He can be with me in STL and with you in China at the same time. Know anyone who can do that?!? God is THE creator. He created heaven, earth, man, sky, clouds, grass, trees, animals, angels... you get my drift. Sure we are inventors, but God is the ultimate inventor. Because we are existing, that right there is enough to worship Christ. Who else could be a father, son, and spirit. NO ONE ELSE!!!
Ever notice that during worship you see people with their hands in the air? This is an outward sign of surrender. Instead of surrendering to a guy with a a firearm, we're surrendering to God, our Father. We're showing Him, and telling Him, that we want to dedicate our lives to Him. We want God to use us for His work. It's not about our agenda, but what His will is for us. In the Lord's Prayer, it states, ...THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven... That means the work He has for us, and the reward is incomparable to what we plan to do. GOD is incomparable!
Of course after surrendering, we will still have challenges in our everyday lives. The wonderful thing about it now is this: we have help. Ever read the poem "Footprints in the Sand?" The poem is a conversation between God and man. The man looks at the footprints and sees at first two sets of prints, then he sees just one set. He became angry because the one set of footprints is shown during the trying times in his life. He didn't realize that those were God's footprints. God carried the man during his tough times. No matter what happens in our lives - good and bad - we can get through these trials with God on our side. The best way to keep Him in our lives is through prayer, praise and worship. So go on, and lift those hands. Sing your favorite worship song. Recite your favorite scripture. Tell God how awesome He is! If you can't think of what to say, tell Him "There's no one like You!"