Hey gang. I have some great news to share with you guys. I need to start from the beginning with this one though, so here it goes...
The year 2004 was a rough year for me. I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS), and pre-cancerous cells were discovered as well. The cells were removed, but I was in a deep depression. I attempted to take my life by swallowing a handful of vicodin and darvocet. I shouldn't be alive today!
Fast forward to August 2011. I have been dealing with severe pain in my hip area as well. I went to the doctor to let her know what was happening. I had an ultrasound and blood work done. The next Monday after running all of the tests, my doctor called me and told me that there were fibroids in my uterus. When I asked her about the lump near my hip in the groin area, she stated that it wasn't gynecological, and I need to see my regular doctor about it.
I talked to my family and a few friends about what was going on. I decided to go on with the procedure, which is known as a hysteroscopy and d & c (dilation and curettage).
The procedure took place last Monday at a local hospital here in STL. My mom and aunt/namesake went with me. I went in a little nervous because I knew they were gonna have to cut the fibroids out... Before I went into the operating room, I prayed to God. I told him, "Father, I'm taking you with me to this room, and I know everything will be alright because You'll be there."
The procedure was supposed to last about an hour and a half... it lasted for a half an hour. The doctor came out of the operating room to talk to my mom. The doctor told my mom and aunt, "Well, we went in to get the fibroids, but they weren't there..." and she showed them the pictures. My mom asked, "What about the PCOS?" The doctor said, "There aren't any cysts. There are enlarged blood vessels on one of them; that's it." Then Mama asked, "What about the lump that was in her groin?" The doctor said, "Yeah, it's not there..."
You know I'm crying as I'm typing this right? lol I have been dealing with this mess inside me for seven (7) years!!! To know that this mess was removed, and there was no cutting involved... You should be running around right now!!!
Jehovah-Rapha is the God who heals. Knowing that it wasn't the doctors who removed the mess... it wasn't MAN... IT WAS GOD!!!! This just proves that there is a greater being who deserves our Praise and our Worship. GOD IS REAL!
I'm letting you know about what God has done for me because it is important for you to know and understand what God can do for you. God is a God who doesn't need our help; yet, He uses us as His vessels, His living testimonies to witness to the world that He does exist and He does heal, and He does provide. Whatever it is you need from God, ask Him! It may not happen when you want it to happen. BUT, it will happen when it needs to.
Be blessed guys. I know I am. :-)