Monday, August 31, 2009

Wake-Up Call

Since February, my United Methodist church has been practicing what is called Praise & Worship. The Praise Team consists of people ranging in ages 25-42. The congregation was somewhat receptive to us at first, but something has changed within the past two weeks.

Last Sunday, I came to church and found only one member of the praise team. I had to go through my mental Rolodex of songs to find one that he would know. Once we agreed upon a song, it was time for 'Meet & Greet', which is followed by Praise & Worship. I looked up and saw that another member arrived, and I was elated. As soon as our m&g song ended, it was time for us to start. I looked up, and there were only two of us in front of the congregation. Where was my other member? Turns out she got an extra person to help us. Praise God! As I continued to talk and exhort, my aunt came up and joined us. THANK YOU GOD! We started singing - as usual - but this time it was different. The congregation actually joined in with the singing... and praising!!! Even some of the youth got into it. The praise team was singing great; one member started shouting even. We had people shout in church from p&w, to the end of the service.

Yesterday wasn't too different. We sang 'Here I Am to Worship' for p&w. It's something about the bridge, "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin up on that cross..." I shiver when I think about it. Then for the song before the sermon, we did a song & dance collab on 'That Name'. Talk about powerful! Man, we were both shouting after that. So were people in the congregation. I don't know. It seems like the people are finally waking up to new additions to the service. I just know that I love it!

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