Hey gang. I know it's been a couple of months. Things have been happening for your girl. I've preached about three times since blogging the last time. I preached about transformation in February; that went pretty well. The highlight of that day was standing in the pulpit and seeing my daddy's siblings. My uncle and two aunts, along with a cousin of mine, were in the congregation, together, just for me. I was overwhelmed and humbled when I saw their faces looking up to me as I spoke that Sunday.
I then spoke on Good Friday from the words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" as part of the Seven Last Words program at church. God really used me in a big way in less than seven minutes. LOL After preaching, I sang "That Name", and almost fainted afterwards. I was drained! I had to find some energy from somewhere, cause I sang in Cahokia, IL twice. The first time was with my friend Kyle and his wife Jennifer at 2; the second time was with my other church Liberty Community Worship Center @ 8. Can you say long day???
I recently preached again on Third Sunday. I talked about Doubting Thomas, and continuing to believe. That Sunday, my aunt re-joined church. God used me again in a big way. All I could do was cry and hug my auntie.
I have been giving the charge to now deliver the sermon every fourth Sunday of the month starting in June. It's a nerve-wrecking feeling, but I know that it'll will be alright as long as I let God use me.
Tonight I completed my last class of the Christian Leadership College program that's ran by Manchester United Methodist Church. The session ended with a foot-washing ceremony. After reading John 13:1-20, the class leader washed the feet of the table leaders. The table leaders then washed the feet of those who were their table mates. I went to get my feet washed, then I went back to my seat. I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. I felt humbled, and I felt like there was confirmation regarding the jobs God has for me to do. Tears started flowing... tears are flowing again as I type this.
For these past few years, I have been wondering if my preaching had been a mistake. I never felt like it was truly what God wanted me to do. I thought I had it wrong. I knew he wanted me to sing and lead worship, but preaching is a whole new ballgame. You know how you receive all of these clues but you want to use the clues for your good and not His? One of the clues he gave me was through a saying he gave me: You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to be elevated. I spoke that to someone else, not realizing that it was for me. I look back and now realize that it was for those who expect greatness for their lives, but feel comfortable where they are at the same time. That was me... that is me. I have become so complacent with the way things are in my life. From where I live, to where I work, to how I live everyday; I've become too comfortable with mediocrity. There is greatness on my life; God told me so. I can't stay where I am and satisfy God. I have to step out on faith; I have to believe that I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.
Graduation is in two weeks. I'm going alone, but I know that in reality I will not be. Pray for me that I continue the elevation.
Be blessed.
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