Wednesday, August 24, 2011

When It Rains...

So... I'll be having a histeroscopy due to having fibroid tumors.  Along with that, I went to the ER today because I had back spasms... again.  Come to find out, I have arthritis in my back!  Am I surprised?  Not really.  I am disappointed though.  I've been trying to get the weight off by working out, and my back muscles are still weak!  

I gotta see my regular doctor tomorrow and possibly get an MRI.  We'll see what happens...

Until then, be blessed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prayers of the Righteous Pt. 2

Hey gang.  I pray that your day is going well, even through the rain.  I'm grateful to God to see another day.  I'm back at work after going back to the doctor's office.  As I stated in the earlier blog, I have PCOS (read the previous blog to catch up).  There have been some 'malfuntions' going on, so I went to the doc's office yesterday to find out what's up.  I ended up needing a biopsy, and I went back to get probed today. lol

My doctor ordered me to have an ultrasound.  I looked at her crazy; knowing nothing has been going on, I knew I wasn't pregnant. lol  With the ultrasound, she would be able to see the whole reproductive system and what's going on down there.

So I went in, and the tech was really nice.  What she did was not, though.  I'll leave the details out; I'll just say to the men: be glad you're a man.  You wouldn't be able to handle it.

After she was finished, I was able to leave the office.  The entire process lasted about 30 minutes.  I know that I'll be a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the day.  I have to sit, since I work at computers all day.  The tech told me that I'll receive results in a week.  I'll keep you posted.

Until next time, be blessed.

Prayers of the Righteous

So... I woke up this morning around 3:40, and I got up and washed my face.  While returning to bed, I started thinking about what I went through yesterday.  I went to the doctor because I've been having issues for a while with my reproductive system.  Long story short; I have what is called Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome, or PCOS. If untreated correctly, it could lead up to cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer; plus, it could leave me without the ability to have children.  I found out about that in 2004, and have been doing pretty well since then.  Unfortunately, things have been a little hay wire lately.  So I went to get checked out.

The doctor decided that I needed a biopsy.  Yep, you read it right.  Without the disgusting details, I laid on my back, and she proceeded with the procedure.  I thought that I experienced pain before with my chronic back spasms.  HONEY!!!  To have a piece of you pulled and prodded and sliced, while conscious and alert... I digress...  After the procedure, I ended up getting blood work done.  I have to go back later today for an ultrasound so they can see what my ovaries look like.

Today, I'm asking for you prayer warriors to go to the throne for me.  For the bible says that the prayers of the righteous availeth much.  I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, and I know that if you're reading this then you are too.  I am claiming nothing but victory and healing over myself today, and I need you to do the same.

Until next time... be blessed.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I didn't realize how long it's been since I've been blogging.  A lot of things have been happening, so let's get started...

As you know, I officially answered my calling (for the 2nd time, lol) to minister. Since September 2009, I've preached two sermons and I've taken Lay Speaking classes, which is a requisite in the United Methodist Church when getting started.  I'm now certified to preach at my own church, although I've preached twice already.  I'll be preaching again in October.  Anyway, after finishing the classes I met with our district superintendent.  We had a brief chat about discerning what my main ministry would be.  Of course, it would be praise & worship.  After our conversation, I became a candidate for ministry.  That means that I will be training for a few years before I am given the title Reverend of Minister.  Either way, I'm excited about the journey God has in store for me.

I've been working on other people's projects in the studio for a long time.  After a conversation with my friend  while in Kansas City, I decided it was time to work on my own project.  I started writing music, but I am looking for other contributors.  If you know someone who can write really well, let me know. :-)

I did a lot of hanging out and relaxing during the summer.  Gotta say; this was one of the best summers I've had in a long time.  I got reacquainted with friends, found new friends, and developed a deeper relationship with a special friend.  It's crazy though, because I've loved this person for years.  At the same time, there have always been females chasing this guy so I stayed to myself and chilled in the shadows while keeping our friendship intact.  Feelings have been revealed, and I think now I'm afraid.  Of what, you may be asking?  I'm afraid of getting hurt again.  Especially by him.  It's crazy how you can have truly deep feelings for someone for a long time, then when revealed you want to go back into the shadows and stay there; like you've revealed an intimate secret, ya know?

Who knows what the future may bring with this beautiful monster of a relationship.  All I know is this:  I've been in a total of 2 failed relationships.  The first guy cheated on me with two different women.  The other (who I dumped last year) was so worried that I would cheat on him with anyone that walked past me due to his past hurt.  I'm tired of hurting, and I'm also tired of running.  It's time for me to be happy.  This person not only makes me happy, but he makes me want to be better; do better.  I'm ready to love again, but more importantly I'm ready to be loved; loved unconditionally.  I deserve it dangonit!!!

Don't worry; I'll let you know what happens as the saga continues...

Disclaimer: all names have been removed to protect the guilty. :-)