Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sermon #3

I'm sitting here trying to work on my sermon for Sunday morning, but my mind has been occupied.  I thought that I knew what I was going to talk about, especially with everything that I've been through recently.  Honestly, I have no clue.  This past week has been filled with ups and downs... more downs.

How do you feel when you're rejected?  Upset? Hurt? Pissed?  Yeah, that's how I feel.  It's no one's fault but mine.  I fell for someone who didn't fall for me; he told me this week.  It hurts really bad, because I felt like we grew to know more about each other and understand each other more.  This guy makes me want to be more than what I am. Yeah, he still does.  I hated that I revealed my feelings to him.  It was only because he revealed his feelings (so I thought) to me.  I talked to God about how I felt, and He told me "Wait."  I thought I did.  In the end, I still got burned.

So now I'm at that point where I don't think I'll be found by a man who wants all of me, not just pieces of me.  I haven't been here in a long time; not even after leaving my last boyfriend last year.  Why is this effecting me like this?  I have no clue.  Y'all need to pray for your girl.  I'm trying to get him off my mind, but he keeps popping up like a whack-a-mole!  I needed that laugh.  Anyway, I gotta get myself together so I can preach to the congregation Sunday.  May need to fast for clarity.

Be blessed.